How to Create a Kick-Ass Social Media Ad


Promotional deals and ads can drive interest, clicks and hopefully build your audience. But how do you develop the right advertisement for your brand, and more importantly, how do you get that ad in front of the right people? We’ve pulled together some points of inspiration below!


What do your current clients already like?

If you’re struggling to promote a new product or service, go back to your roots! What has been popular with your audience in the past? Which social media posts do they like the most? Boosting your most popular goods to a wider audience can strengthen the support of your brand. Successful social posts can give you an idea of what would do well outside your brand’s influence.

Consider the seasons!

Beyond the year’s main holidays and four seasons, the seasons of life are important too. Different stages may be more appropriate to advertise than others. What big life changes, holidays or seasons are most important to your audience? These can include back-to-school season, prom season, vacation time, spring cleaning and wedding season.

What is most important to YOU, the brand creator?

When you think BIG PICTURE, what excites you? What impresses you? The values you find most important can build the foundation of your promotion.

Take inspiration from other industries!

If you’re looking for a unique campaign to promote your brand, research businesses outside of our circle. Seemingly unrelated advertisements can inspire eye-catching ideas and new trends.

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