5 Social Media Advertising Tips for your New Business!


Have you started a new business? Congrats! Don’t know how and where to start advertising? You’ve come to the right place! Advertising your new business can be tricky but with these helpful tips, you will be able to focus more time on what’s more important to you: your business!

  1. Target your audience! Small businesses do not typically run targeted campaigns but YOU CAN after a little research and time engaging with your audience. Do a little social listening and get to know the people who are already following you. Find out what they like, their interests and where they live and you will be able to pinpoint who you are marketing to. Also, pay attention to what your competitors are doing and what has been successful for them. Once you have all of this information, take a moment to note what makes YOUR business unique! What can you offer that others can’t? Add this into the mix and you’ve got the perfect recipe to stand out with the people you need the most!

  2. Keep track! At first it will be hard to know exactly what works and what doesn’t, but using platforms like Facebook and Instagram allows you to keep track of your followers, impressions, and your reach. Experimenting and testing which social posts work best for your audience will help you to create great ads!

  3. Plan ahead! Be strategic in creating and planning your posts. Write your content and take your photos ahead of time, so that you have plenty of time for editing and making sure your content is compelling and engaging for your audience. Also, keep in mind what times are best for you to post each day. (HINT: Both Facebook and Instagram tell you your optimal posting times if you have a Business account!)

  4. Network, Network, Network! Just like in the business world, networking can help you grow in the Social Media world in so many ways. Also...

    1. Did you know you could upload your email list to Facebook ads to advertise directly to them or even to find people like them to advertise to? Grow your following by finding more people who are like your current audience!

    2. Connect with Social Media Influencers who you can collaborate with to advertise your brand or products. This will help increase your engagement and get your product noticed by all of the Influencer’s followers, who are usually loyal customers already!

  5. Use your tools! There are free and paid tools out there that can help streamline your Social Media processes and put them all in one place for you to check on!

    1. Take advantage of free tools like Facebook and Instagram Insights and other Social Media scheduling tools like Hootsuite to save you time, stress and money!

    2. Have an email list? Upload to a free Mailchimp account to start using automated emails and creating campaigns!

    3. Have another business? Advertise your new products or business through them! Your current and old followers are still interested in what YOU are doing! Take advantage of an audience who is already listening by posting to an old account or sending out an introductory email to friends and family! For example, we just launched Rogue Aviation: Flight School and Aerial Productions… and we were so excited about it, we shared it with our Rogue Creative Development audience!

BONUS TIP (Because we’re generous like that!): Be Patient! As you experiment with your social posts and see what content resonates with your followers, you’re going to learn A LOT! Some of the things you’d think are AMAZING will get very little response. Some of the things you think are just okay might get a ton of traction! It takes time to figure these things out. If you’re patient and willing to learn, you can have long-term success beyond what you might hope for!

Congratulations on your new business and we hope this helps! We understand the stresses and struggles of trying to manage every point of your business to the best of your abilities and we’re here to help in any way we can. In fact, that’s what we love to do! If you would like to chat more about your new business or need some advice on what to do next… call us! We’d love to help, and most of all, we love hearing your stories!