Pressing Pause on Your Business


There’s a lot to take in right now… The world kind of seems like it’s turned upside down. If your business has had to press pause, let’s use this as a time of reflection to prepare for a normal life again.

We’re using this time to not only re-strategize events and upcoming campaigns but to evaluate our overall marketing. We want to be on track when doors open again!

Check out our questions below and see how your business matches up.

Can you easily summarize your business and its goals in a short elevator pitch?

It’s important to know who you are and who you’re targeting. You AND your team should be on the same page about your brand’s message, audience, tone, philosophies and more. If you’re not, schedule a video call and get your team informed. Answers shouldn’t differ from team member to team member.

How is your online presence?

It should be easy for your customers to find your business via social media and web searches. If you found yourself scrambling to set up your website, establish online shopping, or create social media, it may be time to reevaluate your current sites and workflow. Whether or not you need a storefront or brick and mortar location, can you still maintain or support your business online? You should!

Is your brand easily identifiable?

If you have different logos and color schemes on your storefront, your website, and Instagram page, take notes! Solidify your branding. Be consistent so you can be recognizable. This walks hand-in-hand with a good online presence. Customers should be able to distinguish your brand from similar businesses.

How are you staying connected with your customers?

You shouldn’t necessarily have to post more to fill the gap of limited in-person business; you should already have regular content to fill your social media accounts and/or newsletters. However, if you aren’t posting regularly, think about what you want to know from your favorite businesses right now: new hours of operation, discounts or free delivery promos, virtual communication options, health and safety measures, etc. This may mean updating your website or social media bios with important information, posting a few times a week to Instagram, or sending a newsletter.

Need some help? Give us a call or shoot us a message. We are still conducting virtual client meetings and free strategy sessions!

Plus, we’ve got inspo on our social feeds about handling these changes, so check it out!