#ElectionDayOff Challenge


It's up to us to eliminate voting barriers. Business owners, we challenge you to give your team a paid #electiondayoff so EVERYONE can vote.

Around the country, people struggle to vote for the 2020 election. When you provide your employees with a paid half-day to vote, they can focus on raising their voice and make it to the polls in time. Lines are already long, so let's get this trending across the country!


We at Rogue commit to this challenge too! Our owner Matt Barnes was inspired by the SmartLess podcast when Will Arnett, Sean Hayes, and Jason Batemen talked about voting! That's why it's so important to make these discussions happen and encourage everyone to exercise their civil rights! The Rogue team will all have a paid day off on November 3rd to ensure we can all go vote!

So let's get this message trending! Share this video to your social media pages, send it to your friends, and commit to instituting #electiondayoff. Let's support our fellow Americans and make voting easier by eliminating one barrier at a time.