Thanksgiving 2021: Team Gratitude


Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!

Last year, we shared some of our favorite projects from years passed. This year, each team member is bringing you our own mushy, gushy thoughts. So just imagine we’re all sitting around the Thanksgiving table, holding hands. 🤝

Matt Barnes, the boss

“My super-hero of a wife who, in the midst of the chaos of being a mom, still takes the time to care about me and my day; the most amazing four kids on the planet who teach me more about how to love people every day than I’ve maybe learned anywhere else; my incredible teams at Rogue Creatives and Rogue Aviation who rise to every challenge and ridiculous idea I have with creativity and excitement; my family; my friends; our clients…”

Katy Perez, the manager of our chaos

“My kids astound me each day in the kind human beings they are all becoming. They adapted and met the challenges that 2020 brought with determination and steadfastness. I’m incredibly grateful for my husband who always supports my career and spends countless hours building his custom cabinetry business based on integrity and a high value for quality work. Finally, I am very grateful for the road that led me to work at Rogue. It’s been an amazing adventure so far and I am looking forward to this new season here.”

Cory Hill, the man behind the lens

“I am thankful for my incredible family and friends for the ways they’ve helped me through the last two challenging years. I am thankful that I have a job that I love and work with people who make me laugh on a daily basis.”

Belinda Carter-Thompson, the strategy expert

“I am very thankful for this past year. Thankful for all the help we received to start our married life. Thankful for all the personal growth and learnings from the last year and for all the people who have helped me with that along the way. Thankful for all the help we received with our new dog Loki and helping him be part of the family at home and at work.” 

Joshua Marino, the new guy

“I’m grateful for the little things—my wife and our two precocious daughters. For our dog Zelda who waits patiently by the door to greet us whenever we’re away. I’m grateful for a season of new beginnings, new adventures and new friendships and all of the joys and fears and surprises that such seasons inevitably bring. But mostly, I’m just grateful that the universe is full of mystery and uncertainty and so many vast wide open spaces still waiting to be explored.”

Hope O’Kelley, the designer who’s been here way longer than the new guy

“I am thankful for coffee first thing in the morning, for how much my puppy loves her tennis balls and whip cream, for how the Beatles turn everyday tasks into karaoke, and for my husband who knows how to make me laugh even when I don’t want him to.”

Mariama Meister, the ultimate jack of all trades

“I'm thankful for all the people around me because of all the encouragement, support and love that I consistently receive from them! I would not get by life without them (yes, that includes yall). I'm thankful to come home to a loving husband. I'm thankful that I got a job that I love. I'm thankful that everyday is a new day and life is never boring.”

Hannah Bowers, the super nice intern

“I’m thankful that we all made it through the last year and came out stronger. I grew closer to my family and made so many new friends. I discovered my passions and strengths in the midst of all the challenges. I learned to find the small joys and hold them close. I’m so thankful for the people I can finally hug again, and I’m never letting them go.”

And finally, Taylor Bolanos, the writer (that’s me 😎)

“I write too much as it is, so I’ll keep this short. Thankful to be here. HAPPY TURKEY DAY, Y’ALL.”