5 Tech Tools Business Owners Need

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Written by: Gloria Martinez

As a small business owner, you probably wear many hats. Your tech should do the same. Investing in the right technology saves you time and money.

Record information in a variety of ways

Some days, you can sit down with a cup of coffee and read through your emails before planning your tasks for the day. Other days, ones with more compact schedules, you listen to meeting notes while driving to a meeting with an important client. Either way, it’s important to store information in ways that make it accessible for reading and listening.

Maximize your time by using an online voice recorder to keep track of emails, notes, meetings, and other content. Combined with a transcription service, you can have the best of both worlds — an MP3 of your content and a text-based version.

Use eCommerce to sell your products

With a robust eCommerce platform, small businesses are poised for the perfect balance of personal touch that many big-box companies lack and the convenience of online shopping. 

Mine the web for in-depth information to understand exactly what you’ll need to build your eCommerce site and open your business to a global customer base, while also maintaining the integrity of the specific niche your product serves.

Keep in mind that if you’re going to be running an eCommerce business, a smartphone dedicated to your business will come in handy. Not only can you deal with issues as soon as they arise, but you’re able to respond to customers even when you’re out of the office.

Get the right POS system

A point-of-sale system that can meet your current needs and grow with your business demands is the smart choice for any small business. Look into one that lets your customers make purchases online and in person while simultaneously tracking inventory. It just makes good business sense to keep your sales and stock data in one place. It cuts down on duplicate work for you, while also maximizing the speed and efficiency of your customer service.

Invest early in a robust CRM

A customer relationship monitoring platform allows small businesses to understand current and potential customers’ needs, wants and behaviors. As our partner Neil Patel explains, not only can you store and monitor important data, but you can also predict behavior to make more relevant sales pitches.

A CRM lets you keep detailed data and tracking on people who show an interest in your company by visiting your website, following you on social media, or reaching out with questions. Like a POS system, find one that can scale with your business needs as your customer base grows.

Explore email marketing to close sales

Connecting to your clients via email is an easy, affordable way to boost brand awareness, build customer loyalty and earn repeat customers. Start by planning out the content you want to share. Center your emails based around useful, relevant information and end them with a coupon or discount — don’t start with the sales pitch or you risk turning people off.

For example, if you sell baked goods, send emails with tips for recipes or couponing tips. If you are a web designer, send emails with videos of how to set up your contact forms or choose a WordPress theme. At the end of the email, offer a coupon or promotion to funnel customers through your physical or digital doors.

Choosing which tech to invest in can seem like more work, but in the long run, it will make a world of difference. Whatever makes your business more relevant to your customers will always be a win.

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